In my yoga training that just ended the participants put forth some yoga philosophical topics they had been reflecting on and some questions about the state of awareness in the asana practice.

The first question was asked by Jenni. During the training she had concluded that I give the energy level the priority over the physical body when I adjust asanas. She wanted to be sure that she had understood me right. I first answered by admitting that that’s how I behave. But then I corrected my words by saying that everything always depends on the context. 

Usually when yoga practitioners practice asanas as if they were doing some sports, which means that they put a lot of effort both in the movement and the immobility of the asana, they can’t feel the energy level of their bodies. The power of the physical body overrules it. Whereas if you approach the practice through the energy level, you have a bigger field and a different awareness and you can do a much more subtle practice. You can listen to your different bodies. Therefore, if from this starting point you realize your body needs more energy, power or movement, you can add more energy to it. But it doesn’t work the other way around. 

As a yoga teacher and facilitator I have the same approach. I connect to the student in a bigger field to feel the whole. I listen to this to understand if our ”intentions” can connect too. If we are one on the energy level, it’s easy to bring the awareness to another element, i.e. to the reality of the physical body. When you are aware of these different fields, you can really support the student’s practice. For example, if the student has a very errant mind and her/his body feels unrooted, it’s essential to give rootedness with your own physical presence and clear touch. But if the student is very physical, it can be justified to have a lighter and more energetic presence to tune her/him to feel more than just the physicality and in a more sensitive and open way.

To teach yoga and to guide the students are both this kind of listening to me: Do we share the same awareness? Where are we? Are we on the physical, energetical, emotional, mental or spiritual level or on all of these? I can feel if the student is missing the awareness of one of these ”bodies”.  My response to the student’s unaware parts come from the level the lack of awareness is manifesting. I could give an imaginary example. If the student is emotionally restless, the antidote to this from the teacher’s part is to be at the same time peacefully in her/his own body and in this emotional field to recognize the emotions. 

Another student in this training, Emma, had been contemplating the principle of purity and cleanliness, ƛauca. She shared her insights of how ƛauca often comes close to the principle of non-violence, ahimsā. We talked about this for a while how ahimsā is also purity of thought and action. So, indeed, ƛauca and ahimsā are very close to each other. 

And then one student, Viivi, told us how she had had challenges to keep herself to ahimsā with a neighbor who had been treated her badly. This was the moment I could bring all these topics together. All these principles of yama and niyama are expressed as energies in and around the body. Therefore ahimsā is also about energy. It’s a certain kind of prāna. That means it’s not a fixed concept, but very vivid attitude, very vivid energy which adapts to the life’s situations. You shouldn’t’ think that someone who is committed to ahimsā, never gets angry or never says anything against to anybody. On the contrary! Namely ahimsā means that you protect your boundaries, you don’t make yourself suffer! Sometimes we meet people who don’t respect what we say when we say it in a friendly way. We need to put more energy to make this person understand where the boundaries lie.

I believe that one misunderstanding in interpreting the yoga philosophy’s prescriptions on how to behave, is that you can’t use your power. I’ve seen a lot of how some yoga practitioners try to control their real feelings and energies in the fear of not following the yoga principles. Aggression as energy can be used in a constructive way. Because pure aggression is pure. It doesn’t harm anybody. It purifies the air and the situation. There’s no hatred, attack or destruction. And that’s why no hatred is left after the situation either. 

If you try to hide your real feelings, if you try to be nice and understanding in front of some injustice, that’s when you’re not respecting the yogic principles, such as ahimsā, satya and ƛauca. Yoga doesn’t mean you deny yourself and you try to be something you’re not. Yoga means Life with a capital letter. We practice yoga on the energy level to be able to response to life with the most adequate energy. All energies are good when they are pure.


Hetki sitten pÀÀttyneen joogakoulutuksen viimeisellÀ kerralla osallistujat ottivat poreilevasti esille sekÀ erilaisiin tietoisuudentiloihin liittyviÀ asanakysymyksiÀ ettÀ joogafilosofisia aiheita, joita olivat itsekseen pohtineet. 

Jenni oli tullut siihen johtopÀÀtökseen, ettÀ minÀ avustan asanaharjoituksessa lÀhinnÀ energiatasolla. HÀn halusi varmistua, onko niin, ettÀ energiataso on prioriteettini. KyllÀhÀn se oikeastaan nÀin on, mutta asiaa hetken pohdittuani vastasin, ettÀ kaikki riippuu aina tilanteesta.

YleensÀ on niin, ettÀ jos ihminen tekee asanaharjoitusta urheillen eli fyysisesti ponnistellen sekÀ liikkeiden ettÀ asanan liikkumattomuuden aikana, hÀneltÀ jÀÀ kokematta kehon energiataso. Se peittyy voimankÀytön alle. Kun taas, jos harjoitusta ja itseÀÀn lÀhestyy energiatason kautta, on saman tien laajemmassa kentÀssÀ ja tietoisuudessa ja voi harjoitusta tehdÀ selkeÀsti kuuntelevammin. Jos sitten havaitsee, ettÀ keho tarvitsee enemmÀn energiaa, voimaa tai liikettÀ, sitÀ on helppo siihen lisÀtÀ. ToisinpÀin se ei onnistu.

Ohjaajana toimin samoin sÀÀdöin. LĂ€hestyn oppilasta isommassa kentĂ€ssĂ€ ja tunnen ensin kokonaisuuden. Tunnustelen yhdistyvĂ€tkö meidĂ€n ”aikeet”. Jos energiatasolla yhteys on, on vaivatonta siirtyĂ€ toiseen elementtiin eli fyysisen kehon todellisuuteen. Useammassa eri kentĂ€ssĂ€ työskennellessÀÀn voi myös oikeasti tukea oppilaan tekemistĂ€. Jos esimerkiksi oppilas on jotenkin pÀÀ pilvissĂ€ ja juureton, on olennaista tuoda fyysistĂ€ juurevuutta omalla kehollisella lĂ€snĂ€ololla sekĂ€ tuntuvalla kosketuksella. Mutta sitten taas, jos oppilas on hyvin fyysinen, voi erilainen, kevyempi ja energeettinen lĂ€snĂ€olo, virittÀÀ hĂ€ntĂ€ tuntemaan joko muuta kuin pelkĂ€n fyysisen olemuksen tai sitten ylipÀÀtÀÀn herkemmin ja laajemmin. 

Joogan opettaminen ja ohjaaminen ovatkin minulle juuri tĂ€llaista kuuntelua: missĂ€ tietoisuudentilassa olen oppilaan kanssa? Olemmeko fyysisessĂ€, energeettisessĂ€, emotionaalisessa, mentaalisessa, spirituaalisessa kentĂ€ssĂ€ vai kaikissa nĂ€issĂ€ yhdessĂ€? Tunnen, kun oppilaalta puutuu yhteys johonkin nĂ€istĂ€ “kehoista”. Myös ohjaus oppilaan kehojen tiedostamattomiin kohtiin tulevat juuri sen kehon tietoisuuden tasolta, jossa tiedostamattomuus ilmenee. EsimerkkinĂ€ tĂ€stĂ€ voisi olla tilanne, jossa oppilas on tunnetasolla levoton. Siihen vastalÀÀke on olla ohjaajana rauhassa omassa kehossaan, ja samaan aikaan siinĂ€ energiakentĂ€ssĂ€, jossa emootiot liikkuvat, jotta ne voi tunnistaa. 

Toinen osallistuja, Emma, oli miettinyt puhtautta eli ƛaucaa ja miten lĂ€helle se lopulta tulee ahimsāa (elĂ€mĂ€n kunnioittamista). Puhuimme siitĂ€, miten nimenomaan ajatuksen ja teon puhtaus on ahimsāa. Toki myös fyysisen kehon puhdistaminen ja puhtaus liittyvĂ€t lĂ€heisesti ahimsāan, koska itsestĂ€mme huolehtiminen on elĂ€mĂ€stĂ€ huolehtimista.

Kolmas osallistuja, Viivi, taas kertoi haasteesta pysyÀ ahimsāssa tietyissÀ tilanteissa. HÀn oli halunnut noudattaa ahimsāa suhteessa naapuriinsa, joka oli jo pitkÀÀn kÀyttÀytynyt törkeÀsti. Otin tÀstÀ kiinni ja jatkoin ajatusta energiatason asiana, miten yama- ja niyama-periaatteet ovat erilaisia energian ilmentymiÀ. NimittÀin ahimsākaan ei ole mikÀÀn kiinteÀ kÀsite, vaan aina elÀvÀ tietoisuus, asenne ja elÀvÀ energia ja siten elÀviin tilanteisiin mukautuva. Siksi ei pidÀ ajatella, ettÀ ahimsāa noudattava ihminen ei koskaan suuttuisi tai sanoisi kenellekÀÀn vastaan. PÀinvastoin! NimittÀin ahimsā-periaate sulkee sisÀÀnsÀ tietenkin myös jokaisen itsensÀ ja niinpÀ meidÀn pitÀÀ pitÀÀ puoliamme ja kunnioittaa rajojamme. Joskus vastassa voi olla ihminen, jolle ei riitÀ se, ettÀ sanoo ystÀvÀllisesti. Laitamme ponnekkuutta mukaan sen verran, mitÀ tarvitaan, jotta tilanne tulee tasapainoon. 

Uskon, ettÀ yksi vÀÀrinkÀsitys joogafilosofian kÀyttÀytymiseen liittyvien kÀsitteiden tulkinnassa onkin se, ettei ihminen voisi hyödyntÀÀ aggressiota eli omaa voimaansa. Olennaista on se, ettÀ aggressio kÀytetÀÀn rakentavassa tarkoituksessa. Olen kyllÀ nÀhnyt sitÀ, miten joogaajat yrittÀvÀt pidÀttÀÀ todellisia tunteitaan ja energioitaan siinÀ pelossa, ettÀ he eivÀt sitten enÀÀ elÀisikÀÀn nÀiden periaatteiden mukaan. Kuitenkin puhdas aggressio on puhdasta. Se ei vahingoita ketÀÀn. Se puhdistaa ilman ja tilanteen. Se syntyy vastaukseksi johonkin energiaan. SiinÀ ei ole vihaa. NÀin se ei myöskÀÀn jÀtÀ jÀlkeensÀ mitÀÀn pahaa. 

Jos yritĂ€t peittÀÀ todelliset tunteesi, jos yritĂ€t olla kiva ja ymmĂ€rtĂ€vĂ€ loputtomiin jonkun epĂ€oikeudenmukaisuuden suhteen, silloin vasta rikotkin erilaisia joogan periaatteita, kuten ahimsāa, satyaa ja ƛaucaa. Joogassa ei ole kyse siitĂ€, ettĂ€ kieltÀÀ itsensĂ€ ja yrittÀÀ olla muuta kuin on. Jooga on ElĂ€mÀÀ isolla e:llĂ€, eikĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€n kieltĂ€mistĂ€ meissĂ€ tai muissa. Harjoittelemme asanoitakin energiatasolla voidaksemme vastata elĂ€mÀÀn oikealla energialla. MikĂ€ tahansa energia on hyvÀÀ, kun se on puhdasta.

Responsibility and letting go of control

My previous post was about self-confidence and trust. Now I’d like to think about trust from another perspective. Is trust finally always trust in yourself? Should we ever trust the other completely? If we want to trust, are we able to? Would it be an important experience for our well-being to completely trust the other?

In my opinion the majority of people don’t trust completely the other(s) and this is certainly also taken as a sign of a certain maturity in life in general. We shouldn’t give our life to the hand’s of another without having at least something we can control.

When I give sessions in Biodynamic Cranio-sacral therapy I can see how my clients progressively get back to the original rhythm of the human being. This rhythm also contains the subtle movement we were continuously performing in the womb through the inherent ebb and flow. The “tides” are the universal phenomenon of expansion and constriction of all life. The trust can feel like that: being lulled by the universe continuously. My own experience is that if you can go ”back” to the child’s – or the embryo’s – total trust, you will have something very precious in your life. 

I was recently talking with a student of mine about one session we did together and where she experienced some uncertainty in our relational field before the session started. In our conversation we talked about our respective boundaries and what happened in her system when she new I was going to come to the contact with her physical body. In these moments it’s very typical that the body lives its own life. In your mind you know you’re safe, but your body starts to feel unconfortable – maybe because of the anticipation of the loss of control.

This student then said that she’s well aware that she should remain responsible of her own life even in the most deeply relaxed moments of the session. It was the first time I needed to think about this thoroughly
Is it so? It’s a very fascinating question of how responsibility and letting go of control entwine.

Should we be all the time responsible for ourselves in a therapeutic session? If we do control the situation continuously, it becomes impossible to relax totally. Could this kind of therapeutic session be a perfect moment to test the trust and let go of one’s own boundaries? Naturally it all depends on the client’s past experiences and the therapist’s ability to carry the other through the session respecting the boundaries and still allowing the other to let go of the responsibility.

But where and when can we meet somebody with this kind of sensitivity and awareness and synchronization with our embryonic rhythm? Even when we trust people in our mind, we can’t reach this depth if the other is not in touch with this original peace. The Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy offers a great opportunity of experiencing this kind of trust. Emergence of the original trust gives us a new fresh beginning in life! 💜🌾


Le sujet de mon dernier post Ă©tait la confiance. Maintenant, je voudrais traiter ce sujet d’un autre point de vue. Est-ce que la confiance est finalement toujours de la confiance en soi-mĂȘme? Est-ce qu’il est important de pouvoir compter complĂštement sur l’autre? Si nous voulons compter sur l’autre, pouvons-nous le faire? Ce genre de confiance totale, serait-il important pour notre bien-ĂȘtre?

Je pense, que la majoritĂ© des gens n’ont pas confiance dans les autres – et certains en personne. Ceci est souvent considĂ©rĂ© mĂȘme comme un signe de maturitĂ©. Nous ne sommes pas censĂ©s donner notre vie entre les mains d’autrui sans avoir quelque contrĂŽle nous-mĂȘmes aussi. 

Lorsque je donne des sĂ©ances en biodynamique crĂąnio-sacrĂ©e, je suis le tĂ©moin du processus qui conduit mes clients petit Ă  petit Ă  retrouver leur rythme original. Ce rythme comprend un mouvement subtile qui va et vient comme la marĂ©e. Ces ”mouvements de la marĂ©e” font partie du phĂ©nomĂšne universel de l’expansion et de la rĂ©traction – observable partout dans la Nature. La confiance originale est comme si on Ă©tait bercĂ© doucement par la vie Ă  chaque moment. Ayant pu voyagĂ© dans le temps vers cette confiance totale de l’enfant et mĂȘme celle d’un embryon, j’ai moi-mĂȘme cette expĂ©rience d’avoir trouvĂ© quelque chose de trĂšs prĂ©cieux pour ma vie dans ce rythme.

Il y a deux jours, je discutait avec une cliente concernant sa derniĂšre sĂ©ance oĂč elle a vĂ©cu des sentiments d’insĂ©curitĂ© dans le champ avant la sĂ©ance proprement dite. Dans notre conversation, nous avons parlĂ© des limites et ce qui se passait dans son systĂšme au moment oĂč elle savait que j’allais venir en contact avec son corps. Dans ces situations, nous pouvons souvent constater que le corps vit sa vie. Par ça, je veux dire, que dans la tĂȘte, on peut se sentir tout Ă  fait bien, mais on voit que le corps rĂ©agit Ă  sa façon – Ă©ventuellement par la peur due Ă  l’approche de la perte du contrĂŽle.

Ma cliente m’a Ă©clairci ses pensĂ©es par rapport Ă  ce moment et elle m’a dit qu’elle Ă©tait bien consciente qu’elle devait ĂȘtre responsable d’elle-mĂȘme mĂȘme dans les moments les plus dĂ©tendus. Et par lĂ , elle a fait Ă©merger la question fascinante de savoir comment la responsabilitĂ© et le lĂącher prise s’entrelacent et quelle est leur relation. Est-ce que la personne qui est venue en sĂ©ance doit garder la conscience de ses limites et ĂȘtre responsable? Est-ce que la relaxation totale est possible si nous voulons ĂȘtre responsable? Ou bien, est-ce qu’une sĂ©ance thĂ©rapeutique est justement un moment de lĂącher prise par rapport Ă  tout? Bien entendu, tout dĂ©pend des expĂ©riences antĂ©rieures du client, mais aussi de la capacitĂ© du thĂ©rapeute de porter le client tout en respectant ses limites et lui permettre de lĂącher prise pour un moment. 

Mais combien rares sont les opportunitĂ©s de rencontrer quelqu’un ayant cette sensibilitĂ©, cette conscience et la capacitĂ© de se synchroniser avec le rythme de l’embryon? MĂȘme si dans notre tĂȘte, nous faisons confiance, nous ne pouvons pas aller plus loin si le thĂ©rapeute n’y est pas aussi, dans la paix originale. 

La biodynamique crĂąnio-sacrĂ©e offre une possibilitĂ© de revivre la confiance Ă  ce niveau-lĂ . Nous pouvons avoir une nouvelle naissance! L’émergence de la confiance originale veut dire le commencement d’une nouvelle vie pleine de confiance et de curiositĂ©. 🧡🌾


Edellinen blogipostaukseni kÀsitteli itseluottamusta ja luottamuksen tunnetta. Nyt haluan rapsutella luottamusaihetta auki toisesta nÀkökulmasta. Onko luottamus aina lopulta itseluottamusta? PitÀÀkö toiseen ihmiseen koskaan luottaa tÀysin? Jos haluamme luottaa toiseen, miten kykenemme siihen? Olisiko tÀydellinen luottamuksen kokemus tÀrkeÀ hyvinvoinnillemme?

Luulen, ettÀ suurin osa ihmisistÀ ei luota tÀysin muihin ihmisiin, jos kehenkÀÀn. TÀllaista suhtautumista pidetÀÀnkin usein jonkinlaisena merkkinÀ aikuisuudesta. MeidÀn ei pidÀ antaa elÀmÀÀmme kenenkÀÀn kÀsiin ilman ettÀ meillÀ sÀilyy joku kontrolli itsellÀmme.

Kun itse annan biodynaamista kraniosakraaliterapiaa, saan nĂ€hdĂ€, miten ihmiset vĂ€hĂ€ vĂ€hĂ€ltĂ€ pÀÀsevĂ€t takaisin alkuperĂ€iseen kohtuaikaiseen rytmiinsĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ rytmissĂ€ tuntuu myös hienovarainen liike, joka on jatkuvaa kuin vuoroveden vaihtelu. NĂ€mĂ€ ”vuoroveden liikkeet” ovat osa universaalia laajenemisen ja supistumisen ilmentymÀÀ, jonka voimme nĂ€hdĂ€ kaikessa elĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€. Luottamus voikin tuntua siltĂ€, ettĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€ tuudittaa meitĂ€ kaiken aikaa. Se on myös oma kokemukseni, ettĂ€ kun saa matkata ”takaisin” tĂ€mĂ€nkaltaiseen lapsen tai jopa sikiön totaaliseen luottamuksen tunteeseen, voi löytÀÀ jotain todella arvokasta elĂ€mÀÀnsĂ€!

Pari pĂ€ivÀÀ sitten keskustelin yhden oppilaani kanssa hĂ€nen viimekertaisesta hoidostaan, jossa hĂ€n koki epĂ€varmuuden tunteita vuorovaikutuskentĂ€ssĂ€ ennen kuin varsinainen hoito alkoi. Keskustelussamme kĂ€vimme lĂ€pi tuntemuksia keskinĂ€isistĂ€ rajoistamme ja sitĂ€, mitĂ€ hĂ€nen systeemissÀÀn tapahtui hĂ€nen tietĂ€essÀÀn, ettĂ€ olin tulossa fyysiseen kontaktiin hĂ€nen kehonsa kanssa. NĂ€issĂ€ tilanteissa kun voi monesti huomata, ettĂ€ keho elÀÀ ”omaa elĂ€mÀÀnsĂ€â€. Mielen tasolla voi siis tietÀÀ olevansa turvassa, mutta keho alkaa hĂ€tÀÀntyĂ€ – ehkĂ€ kontrollin menettĂ€misen pelossa. 

HÀn valaisi minulle ajatuksiaan tuon hetken suhteen ja sanoi ymmÀrtÀvÀnsÀ, miten hÀnen tulee sÀilyttÀÀ vastuu itsestÀÀn aina kaikkein syvimmissÀ rentoutumisen hetkissÀkin. Ja nÀin hÀn nosti esiin todella kiehtovan kysymyksen vastuun ja irtipÀÀstÀmisen suhteesta hoitotilanteissa ja siitÀ, miten ne kietoutuvat toisiinsa.

Onko nimittÀin niin, ettÀ hoidettavan pitÀÀ olla koko ajan tietoinen rajoistaan ja kantaa tÀysi vastuu itsestÀÀn? Onko totaalinen rentoutuminen toisen kÀsissÀ edes mahdollista, jos haluamme pitÀÀ vastuuntunteestamme kiinni? Vai voisiko tuollainen hoitotilanne olla juuri mahdollisuus testata luottamusta ja pÀÀstÀÀ kerrankin irti omista rajoista? Se riippuu luonnollisesti hoidettavan kokemusten lisÀksi hoitajan kyvystÀ kantaa toista ihmistÀ hoidon ajan tÀmÀn rajoja kunnioittavasti ja sallien osan ihmisyyttÀ laskeutua pois vastuun kantamisen alueelta. 

Kuinka harvassa lopulta ovatkaan ne mahdollisuudet, ettÀ tapaamme ihmisen, jolla on riittÀvÀ herkkyys, tietoisuus ja kyky synkronoitua tuon systeemissÀmme vielÀkin vaikuttavan sikiöajan rytmin kanssa? Vaikka luotamme ihmisiin ajatuksen tasolla, emme pÀÀse itsessÀmme nÀin syvÀlle, ellei toinenkin ole kosketuksissa tuon alkuperÀisen rauhan kanssa. 

Biodynaaminen kraniosakraaliterapia on suurenmoinen mahdollisuus saada kokea tĂ€mĂ€n tason luottamusta. Se voi edesauttaa tunnetta, ettĂ€ saamme syntyĂ€ uudelleen ja aloittaa uudenlaisen elĂ€mĂ€n – luottavaisina ja uteliaina. SitĂ€ alkuperĂ€isen luottamuksen esiinnousu meissĂ€ tarkoittaa. ❀đŸŒș


When we were born into this world, the essence of our being could have been described in one word: trust. We didn’t trust, we were trust. As babies we were trust as well in the body as in the mind and that’s why we were totally open. The trust is still our essence, because the Life is Trust and we are Life. đŸ”„

In that phase of total trust, we were also totally vulnerable. We were vulnerable in many ways, but because we were trust, all we encountered, touched that part of our being. 

The significance of the early stages in infancy to our development and well-being has been researched and understood in psychology – from the psychologic perspective and concerning the attachments. But there are many people who have had a secure family relations and still they lack the real trust deep inside.

I’m not talking about self-confidence, but trust in life. The lack of trust doesn’t necessarily mean you are scared to live, to make decisions or to act. You can be sure of yourself. This lack I’m talking about can manifest in different ways, for example it can hinder your creativity and joy.

We all have had a connection to our own essence as a child and from this depth we’ve tried to connect to others. 💞 Very often people give us mental connection which is not understandable for a baby. A baby looks for the soul connection, but then adapts to the situation which is more superficial. This way the spirit is somehow extinguished and life shrinks. How can you feel your essence, if nobody shares this reality with you? 

I can see people come to yoga because they never got what they really needed: to be surrounded by the wisdom, presence and spirituality of a parent or somebody. Instead of these ingredients, they might have had mental and emotional presence of their parents, but without connection to the mystery of life.

Yoga practice is the possibility to go back to your essence that you’ve been missing your whole life. And then connect to others from your Real Self.


Lorsque nous sommes nĂ©s, l’essence de notre ĂȘtre pourrait ĂȘtre dĂ©crite par un mot: confiance. Nous n’avions pas confiance, nous Ă©tions confiance. À l’époque notre confiance Ă©tait aussi bien physique que mentale et c’est la raison pour laquelle nous Ă©tions totalement ouverts. La confiance est toujours notre essence, car la Vie s’exprime en pleine confiance et nous sommes la Vie.Â đŸ”„

Dans cette phase de confiance totale, nous Ă©tions aussi totalement vulnĂ©rables. Nous Ă©tions vulnĂ©rables de beaucoup de façons, mais puisque nous Ă©tions l’incarnation de confiance, c’est cette qualitĂ©-lĂ  qui Ă©tait touchĂ©e par tout ce que nous vivions. 

La signification de ce stade de la petite enfance Ă  notre dĂ©veloppement et notre bien-ĂȘtre a Ă©tĂ© recherchĂ©e dans la psychologie – d’un point de vue psychologique et par rapport Ă  des attachements. Et pourtant il y en a un nombre considĂ©rable de gens qui ont vĂ©cu dans une famille offrant un cadre sĂ©curisant et pourtant il leur manque la confiance dans la profondeur de leur ĂȘtre. 

LĂ , je ne parle pas de la confiance de soi, mais de la confiance dans la vie. Par consĂ©quent, le manque de confiance ne veut pas dire que nous ayons peur de vivre ou de faire des choix ou d’agir tout court. Ce manque se manifeste diffĂ©remment. Par exemple, il peut bloquer notre crĂ©ativitĂ© et Ă©touffer notre joie. Lorsque tout a Ă©tĂ© soi-disant parfait dans la vie, ce n’est pas Ă©vident d’avoir conscience de ce manque confiance. 

Je vois qu’une des raisons par laquelle le yoga attire les gens est le fait qu’ils n’ont pas pu compter sur la sagesse, la prĂ©sence et la spiritualitĂ© de leurs parents ou des gens autour d’eux. Au lieu de ces ingrĂ©dients, ils ont eu une prĂ©sence mentale et Ă©motionnelle de leurs parents, mais sans la connexion avec le mystĂšre de la vie. 

La pratique du yoga est une possibilitĂ© de voyager, sinon en arriĂšre, au moins en profondeur pour atteindre l’essence qu’on a espĂ©rĂ© toute notre vie. Une fois atteinte, c’est Ă  partir de cette essence que nous interagissons avec les autres et la qualitĂ© de notre vie aura complĂštement changĂ©. 


SyntyessĂ€mme tĂ€hĂ€n maailmaan olemustamme voisi kuvata yhdellĂ€ sanalla: luottamus. Emme ole luottavaisia, vaan olemme itse luottamus. Olemme luottamusta kehossamme ja mielessĂ€mme ja siksi tĂ€ysin avoimia kaikelle. Luottamus on kaikkien meidĂ€n ydintĂ€mme, sillĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€ on luottamusta – ja me olemme elĂ€mÀÀ.

TÀssÀ totaalisen luottamuksen vaiheessa olemme kuitenkin hyvin haavoittuvaisia. Olemme toki kaikin tavoin haavoittuvaisia, mutta koska olemuksemme on luottamus, kaikki, mitÀ koemme, koskettaa tÀtÀ olemuksemme puolta.

Vauva-ajan ja varhaislapsuuden merkitystÀ ihmisen kehitykselle ja hyvinvoinnille on tutkittu ja se on ymmÀrretty psykologiassa nimenomaan psykologisesti ja kiintymyssuhteiden kannalta. Kuitenkin on paljon ihmisiÀ, joilla on varhaiset vuorovaikutussuhteet olleet kunnossa, ja silti heiltÀ tuntuu puuttuvan luottamus. Tai sitÀ ei ole koskaan ollutkaan.

Luottamuksen puuttumisella en tarkoita itseluottamuksen puutetta, vaan luottamuksen puuttumistta suhteessa elÀmÀÀn. TÀmÀ ei vÀlttÀmÀttÀ tarkoita, ettÀ ihminen pelkÀisi tai olisi varovainen valinnoissaan tai epÀröisi toimia. Ihminen voi olla pÀÀlle pÀin itsevarma. TÀmÀ luottamuksen puute, josta puhun ilmenee esimerkiksi luovuuden ja ilon puuttumisena.

Lapsena olemme kaikki olleet yhteydessÀ omaan todelliseen olemukseemme ja sieltÀ kÀsin olemme hakeneet yhteyttÀ muihin. Jotkut ihmiset pysyvÀt mielen tasolla kommunikoidessaan eikÀ sellainen ole pienelle lapselle ymmÀrrettÀvÀÀ. Pieni lapsi hakee sielutason yhteyttÀ, mutta sopeutuu lopulta pinnallisempaan vuorovaikutukseen. Henki tukahtuu ja elÀmÀ kutistuu. Kuinka kukaan voisitkaan tuntea todellisen olemuksensa, jos kukaan ei jaa sitÀ todellisuutta hÀnen kanssaan?

Joogan pariin hakeutuu ihmisiÀ muun muassa siitÀ syystÀ, ettÀ he eivÀt ole saaneet sitÀ, mitÀ he todella tarvitsivat. He eivÀt ole saaneet levÀtÀ viisauden, lÀsnÀolon ja henkevyyden ilmapiirissÀ. He ovat luultavasti saaneet vanhempiensa ja muiden ihmisten mielen ja tunnetason lÀsnÀoloa, mutta ilman yhteyttÀ elÀmÀn mysteeriin.

Joogaharjoittelu mahdollistaa paluun omaan essenssiin, jota monet ovat kaivanneet koko elÀmÀnsÀ. TÀstÀ syvyydestÀ kÀsin löytyy myös uudenlainen, merkityksellinen yhteys muihin. 


Forgiveness is one of my favourite subjects. It’s my favourite subject in my everyday life and in my yoga teaching. Asana practice moves the body and the old wounds and makes it possible to heal the wounds. These wounds have generally stocked in the body something that we haven’t forgiven. We might have forgiven in our minds, but not in our bodies.

Forgiveness is the way to health, freedom and creativity. And the opposite of it means holding back our energy in these wounds. Sometimes people think they don’t have so much to forgive or nothing to forgive. But let’s think about it for a moment! We can easily forget, but our body gently receives everything we go through in our minds and emotions.

You quite likely have been judging someone in situations where something went wrong or against your will. Somebody did something wrong to you or to someone else. So if you never have judged anybody, you are completely healthy, free and happy. Nothing to forgive. But If you ever judged someone, you have something to forgive and you need to release that feeling from your body. That’s forgiveness. The asana practice helps.


In my work as a yoga teacher I constantly have to do with very universal emotional problems we people have, but also with their solutions! We usually consider problems things that make us feel bad. We want to feel good. What is the best feeling we can have? Well, it’s called self-love. But self-love isn’t only about loving yourself.

The yoga practitioners are quite gifted to find the ways to alleviate pain as well in the physical body as on the emotional level. But it’s not always so simple, because many problems have taken on an energetic life in us. Then it’s not an emotion anymore, it’s finer. It’s a different kind of sensation that often feels like all over the place. On this subtle level, we are either filled with self-love or the lack of it.

What does it mean to love oneself? It ’doesn’t mean you are actively loving yourself all the time. I wonder what kind of life would that be. 🙃 As long as you blame others on anything, you certainly haven’t found love for yourself in yourself.  Same thing if you still look for acceptance outside of yourself.  

You as a subject can’t love yourself as an object. You can LOVE. That means mostly that in your thinking, feeling and behavior, there’s nothing that goes against your real self. You don’t blame yourself, you don’t have self-pity,  you don’t victimize yourself, you don’t underestimate yourself, you don’t hide your truth. These are signs of love. The lack of self-love is easy to see through your behavior if anything in it tells you’re not lovable.

The first step is to you get to know yourself deeply through the yoga practice. Then you can start to work your whole being toward Love.

I’m sure the regular asana practice is the path to self-love! 

Freedom through yoga

The teaching of Ashtanga Yoga, the eightfold path to self-realization, starts usually with the physical practice. When the practitioner repeats the same chain of movements day after day, (s)he finds a subtler way to live in the body. (S)he faces her/his relation to the body on the mental and emotional levels. The regular practice can also show to the practitioner that (s)he’s unable to really get into her/his body, because the mind’s attention gets shattered and the mind gets irritated of the body’s stiffness, pains or some ”imperfections”. The mind judges the body. This is how the dualistic relation is maintained and the observation of the body goes on. This phase can last for years and thus the practice doesn’t attain its liberatory goal.

If the practitioner doesn’t understand the connection between the body and the mind and how the body reflects the movements of the mind, the practice will remain a physical practice. In the happiest cases, even with this kind of heavy feelings about the body, the practitioner gets the point of the physical practice: it purifies the subconscious mind! 

As the body is not a separate whole that should be evaluated without the bigger picture, the practitioner needs to really live the body with all its feelings and to be the body. The liberating means of yoga is actually in this that it connects different layers of the human being. It makes sense and it makes the separates parts ONE. The yoga is a very exciting adventure where you learn to read any minor event in any other layer of yourself. You will understand what is the cause and what is the effect.

Let’s take an example: the back pain which is very current in nowadays world. People don’t always look for reasons, but just complain and get medicine not to feel the pain. The cause of the pain doesn’t disappear with the medicine. If you look for reasons, you might find something in the physical body. Maybe you sit the whole day through or maybe you’ve been doing some sports that have harmed your back. But how many look at their own thoughts, their breathing habits or the emotional life? These are things behind the back pain – unless you had an accident (which also can reflect your thinking habits or the lack of presence in that situation).

An interesting concept that is linked to all the layers in us, is the concept of freedom. Yoga is the path to freedom. But how does it work? Some people understand the freedom by the total freedom to do what they want. Some other comprehend differently. Yoga teaches freedom in a very fascinating way. When it comes to the body, the majority feels that the body restricts something or is even a burden that slows down your actions. With a physical yoga practice this changes completely. The body becomes free and frees the mind. Because you can’t feel like a prisoner in a free body which in this context means also the energy of the body. 

If you feel that you lose your freedom, because you have to do your practice, then you can’t practice. If you see the importance of self-discipline to do your practice no matter what, you know it’s taking you towards a greater freedom. This is the point where so many practitioners get stuck. To do or not to do the practice is the question in their mind. They can think about it for a long time whether it is worth of getting up earlier to practice or to get on your mat even when you feel tired or stuck. 

We can take this situation as a reference for many situations in life. When are we free? When we don’t have any obligations? The freedom for me personally means that in any circumstances – even seemingly prisoner – I am free in my heart. The practice of yoga gives us the freedom that is not bound to external conditions. But naturally before getting that freedom you need to sacrifice something for it. Freedom means best inner choices in any restricted situation and the feeling of complete freedom to always feel blessed. 

The truth and the Truth

In Yoga Philosophy the sanskrit word Satya is standing for not only the Truth, but also for the virtue of living it. In all the commentaries on the Yoga Sutra you can find explanations on and examples of Satya. Mostly the texts emphasize the significance of telling the truth or not lying.

To have a good life we are supposed to tell the Truth in every occasion. This is not the simplest thing at all especially when you add to it the other virtue to follow, Ahimsa, which means you don’t harm anybody. Together these two principles make it all quite tricky. You need to have at least three inner qualities to make this work.

You need to be intelligent, loving and truthful. Intelligent to discern what is true. Loving to discern between what could be harming someone instead of just allowing the person to face his/her life raw. Truthful not to be scared to tell the Truth. When you follow these three guidelines together, you respect life as it is. You don’t play with it.

I’d like to mention one major difficulty in knowing the Truth. There are of course many, but nowadays the biggest obstacle is the rush. Whenever we are in a hurry, we can’t deeply feel, we can’t really distinguish between the very subtle differences in words, emotions and actions. So, we think we say the Truth, but we are not saying the Truth. We are pretending without meaning to.

We use formulas and repeat the common ways of expressing ourselves, but how many people address to you really meaning every word they utter? It can be very simple like how to say hello, and still people hide. They are maybe happy to see you, but they pretend they are happier than they are. When they say something “nice”, they are satisfied. But do they give their attention to feel you or even themselves? Do they stop to see what their real thoughts are?

Yoga teaches us to see beyond the form and to live fully even imprisoned in the form. We have formulas to facilitate communication, but make sure your speech is fresh, authentic and vivid. When it is, it touches people and it also touches yourself. This kind of words are true, non-violent and solid.

Trains of thought

Am I proud of myself to take up the same subject in my blog time after time? Yes I am! đŸ€©

I often say that thinking creates problems. Of course not all kind of thinking. Thinking that is on repeat is harmful and stressful and makes you unhappy.

Creative thinking is different. If you are open and your mind functions like a child’s mind, it sees the beauty of the world and it gets involved in it in a loving way. 

But after all, a thought is always reduction of a moment. When you are really present, you feel. As soon as you think, you step either to the past or to the future. 


Suis-je fiĂšre de moi-mĂȘme en Ă©crivant sur le mĂȘme sujet dans mon blog Ă  rĂ©pĂ©tition? Et ben, oui, je le suis!Â đŸ€©

Je parle souvent du mental et comment c’est nĂ©faste pour notre bien-ĂȘtre de penser. Bien sĂ»r, toute pensĂ©e n’est pas nĂ©faste. C’est la pensĂ©e qui se rĂ©pĂšte qui est inutile et qui crĂ©e du stress et nous rend malheureux.

La pensĂ©e crĂ©ative est diffĂ©rente. Si vous ĂȘtes ouverts et votre mental fonctionne comme celui d’un enfant, c’est-Ă -dire vous voyez la beautĂ© du monde et vous y participez avec amour, ça change tout. 

Finalement, la pensĂ©e est toujours la rĂ©duction du moment. Quand vous ĂȘtes vraiment prĂ©sents, vous sentez. DĂšs que vous pensez, vous avez quittĂ© le moment et vous ĂȘtes soit dans le passĂ© soit dans l’avenir. 


Olenko ylpeĂ€ itsestĂ€ni ottaessani esiin saman aiheen blogissani kerta toisensa jĂ€lkeen? No olen!Â đŸ€©

Usein puhun siitÀ, ettÀ ajattelu synnyttÀÀ vain ongelmia. Mutta ei tietenkÀÀn kaikki ajattelu. Sellainen ajattelu, joka on saman toistoa, on vahingollista ja stressaavaa ja tekee meistÀ onnettomia.

Luova ajattelu on erilaista. Jos olet avoin ja mielesi toimii kuin pienen lapsen mieli eli nÀkee maailman kauneuden ja yhdistyy siihen omalla rakkaudellaan, se muuttaa kaiken. 

Lopulta ajatus on kuitenkin aina hetken kutistamista. Kun olet todella lÀsnÀ, olet tunteva. Heti kun siirryt hetken kokemisesta ajatuksiisi, siirryt myös joko menneisyyteen tai tulevaisuuteen eli pois tÀstÀ hetkestÀ. 

Birth is a medical event

Yes, it is. And so is death. But these moments and many others are also very special psychic, energetic and personal experiences of a human being! Birth as a beginning of a life outside the mother’s womb is a huge moment of change. It’s huge and overwhelming, but quickly forgotten. And still, as nothing ever really fades away, that experience will remain in our system forever. Our mind just can’t remember.

Sometimes medicine is seen as something very opposed to a meditator’s perspective to life. Often it is. However science and spiritual life can complete each other perfectly well. Yoga philosophy and a meditative approach enrich biological life with emotional depth and spiritual content in regard to any event. Science is the means of explaining life rationally, whereas spirituality is a way of experiencing life profoundly. We can explain ourselves rationally, but for many people it’s not enough. They can’t identify themselves as a mass of cells and some functions of the body. That’s why they practice yoga.

Imagine your life as a succession of medical events and nothing more. From that perspective, it’s not anything more. When today people are seen as opposed whether they believe in science or not, I guess it’s more about whether you see yourself as a biological being or as a spiritual being. You are both. Even if you feel your are a divine creature, you can still believe in science.

What does it mean to be spiritual? How do you live your life spiritually? You have a feeling of your soul which is not visible or tangible, but perceivable through some laws that guide it. If you go against these laws, you suffer. Spirit is what animates the soul. It’s the power behind everything. If you live in connection to that power, you are spiritual. If you live disconnected to it, you certainly live in a more materialistic reality and probably suffer from a meaninglessness of life – at least from time to time.

The world of an asana

From the very beginning of my yoga path I have loved the asana practice. I can remember the first year, the time of discovering so many layers in my body through the breath. The breathing gave me access to another world. The world of mysticism. It softened my body and my mind and I often started to feel I was melting into something greater and more beautiful. The practice felt like a deepening of my whole being into something I had missed all my life. Being in the body with all the sensations it implied, meant being alive. Totally alive. Totally incarnated in a sacred body. đŸ„°

A year ago my life changed in this regard. For the first time I couldn’t get into the asanas. I was stiff. My body hurt. I was feeling the asana practice was superficial. The asanas didn’t have the habitual effect of bringing me to heaven. That was new to me. I couldn’t find a reason to my stiffness and like absence of spirit in my body. I was relaxed, I felt very good in my life and I could be present in my body, but still I felt I can’t get anywhere. That phase lasted several months during which I tried to understand what was going on in my system. 

Then in July I was able to travel to my home in Paris đŸ„– đŸ‘©â€đŸŽš đŸȘ— and to enjoy its beauty and joyful atmosphereâ€ïžâ€đŸ”„. I could also finally take ballet classes. All the pain was suddenly and unexpectedly đŸ˜Č gone the first day in Paris. I don’t know if my home sickness had been so strong in my body that it was aching, but that’s the only reason I can find. In Paris my asanas started to feel again. I did the Intermediate series easily and happily and I could really feel how I AM in every asana. I was going deep into the asanas, because my body wanted to. I was blissed again.

It was an important lesson for me in many ways. Personally I had had an adventure in stiffness and in this kind of thin feeling of being in my body. I lived a period of separation of body and mind. I could follow how all this evolved and how it ended. One danger I could luckily avoid was to think that I’ve become stiff for good. I was stiff for many months, but my mind was open for me to become flexible again.

As a yoga teacher I was thinking that when people start practicing, even if they are flexible and/or open-minded, they can’t get to the perfect feeling of an asana. It’s impossible. The asana is a deep experience of living in all the cells of your body, of relaxation of your mind into your body. An asana awakens your body, your nervous system, your energy body and your spirit. To be in an asana is to feel all this. 🙏🧡


Depuis que je fais du yoga, j’aime la pratique des asanas. Je me souviens bien de la premiĂšre annĂ©e, du temps des dĂ©couvertes de plusieurs couches dans mon ĂȘtre par le souffle. Le souffle m’a permis d’accĂ©der dans un autre monde. Le monde du mysticisme. Il adoucissait mon corps et mon mental. Souvent, je sentais que je fondais dans quelques chose d’énorme et d’accueillant. La pratique approfondissait ma connexion Ă  quelque chose que j’avais attendu toute ma vie. De pouvoir ĂȘtre dans le corps avec toutes ses sensations voulait dire ĂȘtre en vie. Totalement en vie. Totalement incarnĂ©e dans un corps sacrĂ©. đŸ„°

Il y a un an, ma vie a changĂ© en ce qui concerne la pratique. Pour la premiĂšre fois, je ne pouvais pas vraiment entrer dans les asanas. J’étais raide. Mon corps me faisait mal. J’avais l’impression que ma pratique Ă©tait superficielle et que les asanas n’avaient pas leur effet habituel de m’emmener au paradis. C’était tout nouveau pour moi. Je n’avais aucune idĂ©e de la raison pour laquelle je vivais cette rigiditĂ© et l’absence d’esprit dans mon corps. Dans ma vie, tout allait bien et quant Ă  la prĂ©sence corporelle, il n’y avait aucune difficultĂ©, mais mĂȘme, j’étais incapable d’aller quelque part. Cette phase a durĂ© plusieurs mois pendant lesquels je me demandais ce qui se passait dans mon systĂšme. 

Et puis, au mois de juillet, j’ai pu retourner chez moi Ă  Paris đŸ„–đŸ‘©â€đŸŽšđŸȘ— et me remplir de beautĂ© et de l’atmosphĂšre joyeuse de cette ville. Et par dessus tout, j’ai pu me rendre au centre de danse du Marais pour reprendre mes cours de danse classique. Et toutes les douleurs disparaissait d’un seul coup et d’une façon inattendue le premier jour Ă  Paris đŸ˜Č. J’ignore si mon mal du pays avait Ă©tĂ© si grave dans mon corps qu’il prĂ©sentait des douleurs, mais c’est la seule raison que je puisse trouver. À Paris, je commençais Ă  sentir les asanas. J’ai pu faire la sĂ©rie intermĂ©diaire facilement et avec du bonheur et j’ai pu sentir comment JE SUIS INCARNNÉE dans chaque asana. 

Ça a Ă©tĂ© une vraie aventure pour moi. Personnellement, j’ai fait la connaissance avec la rigiditĂ© et j’ai pu vivre ça dans mon corps. Je vivais aussi une pĂ©riode trĂšs claire de sĂ©paration entre mon corps et mon mental. J’étais capable de suivre comment tout ça Ă©voluait et comment ça a pris fin. Un danger que j’ai pu Ă©viter, c’était celui de penser que j’étais devenue raide pour de bon. J’étais raide pendant des mois, mais mon mental est restĂ© ouvert pour que je redevienne flexible.

En tant qu’enseignante de yoga, j’ai pensĂ© aux dĂ©butants dans le yoga dans mon Ă©panouissement dans les asanas. Au dĂ©but, mĂȘme si les pratiquants sont flexibles et ouverts d’esprit, ils ne peuvent pas atteindre Ă  l’épanouissement dans l’asana. Ce n’est tout simplement pas possible. Une asana est une expĂ©rience profonde Ă  la fois dans toutes les cellules de son corps et dans le mental qui petit Ă  petit s’abandonne dans la rĂ©alitĂ© du corps physique. Une asana rĂ©veille le corps, le systĂšme nerveux, le corps Ă©nergĂ©tique ainsi que l’esprit. Vivre une asana est sentir tout ça. 🙏🧡


Aivan joogaharjoitteluni alkuajoista asti olen nauttinut asanaharjoittelusta. ElĂ€vĂ€sti muistan ensimmĂ€isen joogavuoteni, kun aloin havaita erilaisia kerroksia itsestĂ€ni hengitykseni avulla. Hengitys todellakin avasi oven uuteen ulottuvuuteen. Sen avulla löysin mystisen tason, joka pehmensi kaiken. Kehoni, mieleni ja koko olemukseni tuntui alkavan sulautua johonkin suurempaan ja tĂ€ydellisempÀÀn. Harjoittelu tuntui siltĂ€, ettĂ€ koko minuuteni sai kokea syvyyden, jota olin koko siihenastisen elĂ€mĂ€ni kaivannut. Kehossa oleminen kaikkine tuntemuksineen tarkoitti vahvaa elossa olemisen tunnetta. Totaalista elĂ€mĂ€n tunnetta. Tunsin olevani voimakkaastis juurtuneena omaan pyhÀÀn kehooni. đŸ„°

Vuosi sitten elĂ€mĂ€ni muuttui tĂ€ssĂ€ mielessĂ€. EnsimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa en pÀÀssytkÀÀn asettumaan asanoihin. Olin jĂ€ykkĂ€. Kehoni tuntui aralta. Asanaharjoitus tuntui pinnalliselta. Asanat eivĂ€t vieneetkÀÀn minua seitsemĂ€nteen taivaaseen kuten aina ennen. Se oli minulle aivan uutta. En löytĂ€nyt syytĂ€ jĂ€ykkyyteen enkĂ€ siihen, ettĂ€ tuntui kuin kaikki henki olisi kadonnut kehostani. Olin sisĂ€isesti rento ja elĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ni oli kaikki hyvin. Siksi myös kehollinen lĂ€snĂ€olo oli vaivatonta, mutta silti tuntui, ettĂ€ en pÀÀssyt mihinkÀÀn. Tuota vaihetta kesti monta kuukautta ja kaikki nuo kuukaudet yritin ymmĂ€rtÀÀ, mitĂ€ minussa oli meneillÀÀn. 

HeinĂ€kuussa saatoin vihdoin matkustaa kotiini Pariisiin đŸ„– đŸ‘©â€đŸŽš đŸȘ— ja pÀÀsin nauttimaan sen kauneudesta ja iloisesta atmosfÀÀristĂ€ â€ïžâ€đŸ”„. Sain myös kĂ€ydĂ€ elintĂ€rkeillĂ€ balettitunneilla, joita rakastan koko sydĂ€mestĂ€ni. Ja kas, kaikki kivut hĂ€visivĂ€t ensimmĂ€isenĂ€ Pariisin pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€! đŸ˜Č En voi sanoa, oliko koti-ikĂ€vĂ€ni niin vahvana kehossani, ettĂ€ siihen aivan sattui, mutta se tuntui lopulta tilanteen muuttuessa ainoalta syyltĂ€. Pariisissa aloin tuntea itseni jĂ€lleen myös asanoissa. Tein helposti myös kakkossarjan ja siinĂ€ tunsin miten todella olin juurtuneena jokaiseen asanaan. PÀÀsin niihin syvemmĂ€lle, koska kehoni halusi jĂ€lleen elÀÀ. Ja minĂ€ olin taivaissa. 

TÀmÀ oli monella tavalla merkittÀvÀ oppilÀksy itselleni. Henkilökohtaisesti sain kokea seikkailun eksoottiseen jÀykkyyteen ja noihin ohuisiin tuntemuksiin kehossani. Elin pitkÀn jakson, jossa kehoni ja mieleni olivat kaukana toisistaan. Saatoin seurata, miten kaikki kehittyi ja miten se sitten pÀÀttyi. Sen vaaran vÀltin, ettÀ olisin missÀÀn vaiheessa ajatellut, ettÀ minusta on tullut lopullisesti jÀykkÀ. Olin jÀykkÀ monien kuukausien ajan, mutta mieleni pysyi auki sille, ettÀ notkeus vielÀ palaa.

Joogaopettajana tulin tuossa tĂ€yteyden olotilassa ajatelleeksi aloittelijoita, ettĂ€ vaikka he olisivat joustavia keholtaan ja avoimia mieleltÀÀn, he eivĂ€t voi saada asanassa senkaltaista tĂ€ydellistĂ€ tunnetta. Se on yksinkertaisesti mahdottomuus. Asanassa oleminen on syvĂ€ kokemus siitĂ€, ettĂ€ kehoaan elÀÀ joka solussa ja ettĂ€ mieli rentoutuu kehoon. Asana herĂ€ttÀÀ kehon, hermoston, energian ja aika ajoin tĂ€ydentyy vielĂ€ hengellĂ€. Asanan merkitys on todella valtava, se on paljon enemmĂ€n kuin kehon asento. 🙏🧡